ENTERTAINMENT is defined as something that is amusing, diverting and/or engaging. It’s provided by a performer or OUTSIDE source of information. The KEY to this definition lies in the fact that the source of the entertainment is NOT you, but instead it’s provided by the world OUTSIDE you. Sometimes you enjoy entertainment, while at other times, it fails to be delightful or engaging, depending on what the creator of the entertainment had in mind, and how the particular entertainment creation matches YOUR individual preferences, needs and wants.
INNERTAINMENT, on the other hand, is defined as CHOICE-FULL ENTERTAINMENT. It’s used specifically for self improvement and personal development. This includes the critical underlying CHOICE-FULLNESS skills of Awareness, Ability and Control. Unlike entertainment, the focus and engagement of INNERTAINMENT is an INSIDE one. It consists of the personal stories, movies, pictures, concepts, thoughts, feelings and themes, that run through your mind and through your constantly changing INNER world. In a nutshell, entertainment is about THEIR stories, while Innertainment is about YOUR stories.
As the speed of life accelerates, TIME becomes more and more of an issue. And even though it is our most precious commodity, we often find ourselves immersed in our surrounding Circles Of Influence and the OUTSIDE stories and NOISE that are perpetuated by tech, media and consumerism. INNERTAINMENT believes that YOUR stories, and how you develop them to create your future, are far more important than THEIR stories. We can modify our personal stories in a positive way, if we use Innertainment and it’s accompanying CHOICE-FULL THEATER as a TOOL, and take the time to observe and discover our true potential. It’s this process, of CHOICE-FULLNESS, that is the focus of Innertainment, increasing our personal development by increasing our levels of Awareness, Ability and Control.
As technology, media and consumerism continue to expand their impact and power, more highly immersive forms of entertainment and media (A.I., virtual reality) are moving us into even deeper levels of information addiction and involvement. Today, it’s important to take a closer look at the TRADEOFFS we are making each and every day, in both our choice making skills and our personal well being.
Information is sometimes defined as “messages” to be received and understood. But this highly over simplified definition leaves a great deal unsaid about our current accelerating media information environment and the levels of NOISE that are being manufactured and embedded into our daily dose of entertainment. What needs to be emphasized now, is the emerging scientific research directed toward our full human potential and how this potential is currently being undermined when both the QUANTITY and QUALITY of our information entertainment input, places negative distraction, distortion, disruption, disinformation and overload demands on our brain based thinking and emotional systems, by exceeding and manipulating our information processing capacity. Along with overload, this accelerating process provides the “downshifting” of higher brain functions into less discriminating lower emotional and reactive human brain systems.
INNERTAINMENT has been created to help individuals, families and businesses understand the current dilemma of living in an entertainment driven digital world, dominated by increasing levels of NOISE. On the one hand we love and need our powerful and important tech tools (smart phones, computers, video games, etc.), but on the other hand, we are beginning to notice more and more frequently, a wider and more troublesome variety of changes in the way we communicate, our attention span, mental health, motivation, stress levels, resilience and altered value systems. What are the real TRADEOFFS that we are making today? These changes are often subtle, confusing and deceptive, taking place slowly over time in ways that prevent us from recognizing and understanding their underlying causes and future implications.
We hope you will join us to become more aware of the increasing change in your surrounding Circles of Influence, effecting you’re well being, as we uncover new ways to solve today’s digital dependency dilemma. Our goal at FutureWise is to point the way toward more innovative and effective solutions to the increasing levels of NOISE, by integrating the latest scientific findings from psychology, media, brain research, education, and technology, with powerful and practical tools to move us toward a more positive and choice-full future.