The 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E.
The 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E. has been created to address the accelerating NEW NOISE (distraction, disruption, distortion, disinformation, disengagement and overload) in today’s society, and the increasing levels of uncertainty, stress and negative behavioral change. As this change and escalation continues, we must develop new tools and techniques that can put us back in control of our personal well being, so as to continue our path toward elevating our potential for CHOICE and CHANGE.
Our first step of the 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E. provides the foundation for the four additional steps of P.A.U.S.E. that follow. PREPARATION is an intentional and committed action to do something different, something that will lead to a positive and permanent change in our life style and mind style. It’s is a mind style shift, designed to create new positive and permanent patterns of protection and well being. When we PREPARE, we move from our outside channel of choice to our inside channel of choice. We set the time and place aside to become quiet and committed to ourselves and the intended positive process of change. When we incorporate the 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E. process into our daily activities, we expand our awareness, ability and control in new ways, that help us diminish the negative impact of the increasing outside channels of information, from technology, media and consumerism, by upgrading and increasing the inside channels of control leading to higher levels of development for CHOICE and CHANGE.
The second step of P.A.U.S.E. is designed to learn how to direct our attention to the four distinct inner information streams; the sensory stream, body stream, feeling stream and the thinking stream. In this step of P.A.U.S.E., we ATTUNE to these four streams of inner information, which ALLOWS for the expansion of inner awareness.
We often neglect the important interconnected relationship between our sensory, body, feeling and thought streams, as we become more immersed in the outside world of technology, media and consumerism. Step #2 of the 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E. is designed to inform and remind us of this important interconnected relationship for well being.
With the completion of Step #1 and Step #2 of P.A.U.S.E., we can begin to incorporate the first two steps into the third discovery stage of P.A.U.S.E. where we UNCOVER and if needed, begin to UNLEARN our negative tradeoffs, triggers and patterns of behavior.
Each of us over time, have compounded our experiences and accompanying memories, into beliefs, values and patterns of behavior that either support our well being and future success or limit us. This can result in reacting automatically to the “triggers” in our environment, and responding in unconscious ways that limit our ability to make important choices in our life. Many of our pre-programmed thoughts can be “re-programmed” over time. Brain science currently reveals that our “plastic” brain is capable of re-wiring old circuits of thinking, previously thought to be unchangeable, once we can recognize the existence of these patterns.
From the awareness and insights of our UNCOVERING and UNLEARNING process, we can open up new opportunities to SHIFT our learned limitations and SUBSTITUTE new unlimited potentials . This can be accomplished by using new positive inner information streams in ways that increase our well being and potential for positive change.
EXAMPLE: Imagine that you’re late for an event, something that’s very important to you. You’ve done everything that you can to get ready and prepare for it, but something completely out of your control has occurred that interferes with your schedule and your timing. The “panic alarm” goes off in your head (sensory, body, feeling, and thinking streams) and you begin to imagine all types of negative consequences. With increased awareness, a SHIFT and SUBSTITUTE thinking stream activity is possible, creating the accompanying changes in your sensory, feeling and body streams.
The final ELEVATE and EMPLOY step of the 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E. is based on the contemporary brain research of neuroplasticity and habit formation. Rewiring negative learning circuits in the brain can create a permanent change in positive behavior patterns, but the permanence of these patterns depends upon the commitment and reinforcement that is made in this final step of the 5 STEP P.A.U.S.E. Practice and consistency are the foundations for new habit formations. Research indicates that it can take several months of committed action to create a new and permanent positive habit pattern. The final step of P.A.U.S.E. is designed to insure that the positive changes employed can and will remain by reinforcing the change process for a prescribed period of time… building it into your life style and mind style skills.
In a world of accelerating noise, stress, and increasing chaos, the “outer noise” is playing an increasingly important role in creating your “inner noise”. This exponential change in “noise” began in the mid nineties with the evolution of the Internet and the combinatory effects of media, technology and consumerism. Everything with information is quite different now. There is no reversal of our new modern world, leaving it entirely up to us, as to how we will deal with the changing information economy and the profound behavioral impact that it now has. Everyone today needs an updated “toolkit” to manage the subtle, silent seduction, of contemporary technology.